Bleakhouse Primary School aims to work together with parents in order to ensure the achievement of high levels of attendance and punctuality for all pupils.
The information on this page should be read in conjunction with the Attendance Policy below:
Recognising Good Attendance
The school will employ a number of strategies to promote regular, punctual attendance:
▪ the Headteacher and class teachers will communicate regularly with parents on attendance matters;
▪ appropriate personal encouragement or congratulation will be offered to individual children;
▪ individual children will receive awards for annual 100% attendance;
▪ Attendance Certificate is awarded to the class with highest attendance each week.
▪ The class with the highest attendance over each half term has a non-uniform day in the last week of the half term.
Parents' Responsibilities
• Parents have a legal duty to ensure that children of compulsory school age attend on a regular
and full-time basis,
• Parents should ensure that if their child is to be absent from school for any unavoidable reason
such as sickness they should contact the school as soon as possible by phone, text, letter or in person,
• Parents may not authorise their child’s absence- only the Headteacher can do this on the basis
of the explanation provided by the parents/carers. (Should parents fail to provide a satisfactory
reason for their child’s absence the school will record such absence as unauthorised.),
• Parents should ensure that their child arrives at school in time for the start of registration
(8:50a.m.). If a child arrives after 9:00a.m. they need to report to the school office.
Schools' Responsibilities
• The school will record and monitor attendance in accordance both with the statutory requirements and with the principle that regular, uninterrupted attendance is vital to a child’s educational progress,
• Registers will be called twice daily (at 8:50a.m. and at 1:00p.m. for Key Stage 1 and 1:30p.m. for Key Stage 2). Nursery registers are taken at the start of each session. Registers will close at 9:20 a.m. Any child arriving after the closing of the register will be recorded as ‘late’ for that session.
The Senior Deputy will regularly collect attendance data and will use this data during meetings including Full Governor Meetings.
Current Attendance 06/05/2024 to 10/05/2024
Class | Percentage Attendance |
6W | 98.4% |
6M | 97.6 % |
5J | 100% |
5M | 94.9 % |
4P | 97.9% |
4S | 98.3% |
3DM | 96.3% |
3H | 97.8% |
2DB | 96.7 % |
2C | 97.9% |
1W | 95.0% |
1T | 98.2 % |
RS | 99.0 % |
RM | 94.7 % |
All Day Nursery | 90.0% |
AM Nursery | 92.2 % |
PM Nursery | 91.7% |
Weekly Whole School Attendance - 06/05/2024 to 10/05/2024
Whole School Attendance - 04/09/2023 to 03/05/2024
Attendance Award Winners
This Half Term
This Half Term Attendance Award goes to 5J. As a reward all pupils can come to school in non-school uniform on Friday 24th May. Well done 5J!
Last Half Term
Attendance award - 5J are the attendance award winners for this half term. As a reward all pupils can come to school in non-school uniform on Thursday 21st March. Well done 5J!
Last Academic Year Attendance Awards
Attendance award - 6W are the attendance award winners for this term. As a reward all pupils can come to school in non-school uniform on Friday 31st March. Well done 6W!
3H - As a reward all pupils can come to school in non-school uniform on Friday 16th December 2022.
Congratulations 3H!
3H - As a reward all pupils can come to school in non-school uniform on Thursday 20th October 2022.
Congratulations 3H!