Our Vision
Our vision is to raise the expectations and aspirations of our children by working in partnership with parents and the community to help each child reach their full potential. By encouraging children to learn through a rich and inspiring curriculum, we believe that they can aspire to be the best that they can be.
We encourage children to develop friendships, show respect, aspire to excellence, show determination and courage, and treat each other equally and to be inspired in their work, so that they can succeed in all that they do.
So that we can inspire our children to succeed we will:
- Be a learning community;
- Enable every child to reach their full potential;
- Encourage children to become partners and take ownership of their learning;
- Enable every child to become a responsible and reliable member of society;
- Ensure everyone is valued and appreciates all cultures and traditions, as well as appreciating the importance of Sustainable Development;
- Develop self-esteem in the whole school community;
- Develop positive and meaningful links with parents, engaging them in their children's education;
- Reflect the school in the community and the community in the school;
- Develop and extend Basic Skills in English, maths and technology (including e-safety);
- Work in partnership with others to offer opportunities for interactive, hands-on, personalised learning, using high quality IT resources as a vehicle to enable and empower children to become, anytime, anywhere learners in all aspects of the curriculum.