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Bleakhouse Primary School uses a thematic approach to delivering the National Curriculum and the Agreed Syllabus for R.E.  Most of the subjects are taught through a thematic approach with some subjects or aspects of subjects taught discreetly at different times. This ensures that all children are able to learn about the whole Key Stage 2 curriculum content by the end of Year 6.  Across the year all areas of these subjects are covered and differentiated to meet the needs of the children within the group.  The children also have P.E. twice a week.


In each year group English and Maths are taught daily.  Phonic sessions for those children who require them are based on the published 'Letters and Sounds'.  For children who require additional support with their phonics and reading, interventions such as Precision Teaching, Enable 1:1, Enable Plus and the Rapid Reading schemes are used.  An intervention Map showing all interventions used within school is available upon request.


Titles and content of themes change each year.  At the start of each term a curriculum flyer is sent to Parents/Carers, this details what the children will be learning in the theme and how Parents/Carers can support their child's learning at home. These will be uploaded onto our website so that the children will continue to experience Stunning Starts to the themes.

Early Years

The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum forms the basis of our learning programme for the children in Early Years. This gets them ready to begin working on the National Curriculum at 5 years of age. The children are fully involved in the life of the school and join in with assemblies and parties and have lots of opportunities for contact with older children in school.


We are currently using Read Write inc phonics scheme, supported by Collins Big Cat Phonics reading books.


Year 3 and 4 are taught phonics daily and interventions are used across school as needed.

Early Talk Boost

Early Talk Boost is a targeted intervention aimed at 3–4 year old children with delayed language development. It is designed to boost children’s language skills to help narrow the gap between them and their peers. This programme has been designed by specialist speech and language therapists and a highly experienced nursery teacher. The intervention’s design is based on strong evidence of what is known to support language development in the early years.

Oral Health

Early Years settings are now required to promote the 'good oral health of children' which has been introduced following research by Public Health England that suggest that 1 in 5 children aged 5, have experienced tooth decay. The aim of the new requirement is to reduce tooth decay in children and associated hospital admissions, since it is the most common reason for children aged between 6 and 10 to be admitted to hospital to have teeth removed.

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