Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability


About 20% of children will experience difficulties with learning at some stage in their school career. At the present time there 11.8% of the pupils have SEN compared to 14.9% nationally. The majority will get over these problems but for some these difficulties remain for a longer period and have an adverse effect on their learning. There are now seven pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan (1.6% of the pupils compared to 3.1% nationally).

At Bleakhouse Primary School we offer a great deal of help and support for those children identified with Special Educational Needs. We base our provision on the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs 2014 in conjunction with Sandwell Local Authority.

We have a whole school, inclusive approach to Special Educational Needs and Disability which involves the teaching staff and focuses on support with special needs within the class. Occasionally, children are withdrawn from class for short periods to complete specific tasks. Our inclusion work has been recognised through the Sandwell SEND Quality Mark at Platinum Level.

We have successfully integrated children with physical difficulties; moderate learning difficulties; social, emotional and mental health difficulties into school. There is a specially adapted toilet for children with Special Needs or Disability and we have three portableramps that ease access into the rooms with steps. In this way we aim to provide all our children with equal access to an education which is broad, balanced, realistic, relevant and differentiated to meet the learning needs of the individual child and which seeks maximum participation in the curriculum.

Local Offer

Guide for Parents

SEN and Inclusion Policy

Costed Intervention Map

Accessibility Action Plans 2022

SEN Information Report

A School Life Website
School Life iOS Mobile Application
School Life Android Mobile Application